Sunny days 282
Mostly cloudy 27
Cloudy 56
Rain 49cm(20in.)
wind over 80km(50mph) 35days
highest wind for yr 132km/hr (82mph)
highest wind we've seen 148km/hr (92mph) this is the one that blew the blades off the wind generator
We've been told that at the commercial wind generators in the hills, they recorded over 200km/hr(125mph) back when we had our highest wind in 2009. There are several wind farms in our area with over 100 wind turbines. One new tower is 3MegaWatts with 110M (360ft) diam. blades. Spain, with 884wind farms(22,000MW) was no. 3 in wind generation capacity in the World in 2009 after the U.S.(46,000MW) and Germany(30,000MW), but this year or next China will surpass all three countries.
So the weather is great except when that Mistral whips down out of the Pyrennes.
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a typical beautiful day |
Winter wind blowing water out of our pool |
sunrise and the sea under the old pine |
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Sunset looking across the Ebro Delta |
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Yes, we did get snow once if you can call it that |
There have been some changes since I was there. Looks great! And beautiful. I'm obsessed by the weather at 'home'/Vermont. Everyone here freezing at 32 and to imagine it was 25 below in Williston......